Shady Cat Pet ID: 7106
My hang out: Jefferson, GA
Featured: Angry Pet Pack - Expansion Pack
My mug shots …

Here’s my story …
Humans, do you like people touching the soles of your feet? You don’t, right? At best it’s ticklish and at worst it sends that weird shivery feeling through your whole body.
So why do you think it’s cool to touch a cat’s feet whenever you like? Seriously, the day the term ‘toe beans’ entered the cat-owner lexicon was the dawn of a dark age for felines.
Did it ever occur to anyone that we cats use our feet and claws to defend ourselves and, therefore, that touching our feet could trigger a fight or flight reflex?
I mean, if someone deemed it cute to poke you on the nose and did so repeatedly for five straight minutes, I imagine you’d start feeling pretty inclined to return the favor by punching said person on their own nose, amirite? (Also, FYI: stop poking our noses.)
Every time my owner touched my feet, it used to drive me crazy. If her friends were over or if she was bored and looking for something to post on Instagram, she’d come find me and yank one of my feet into the air like I’d just won a prizefight.
But then she got smart. She started waiting until we were just chilling alone together, then she’d gently stroke my whole leg, before working her way down and finally rubbing my foot.
This was a whole different ball game. It felt wonderful and, as a result, I let down my guard and allowed my owner touch my feet whenever she liked.
And then, one day, just as I’d become accustomed to a routine of regular lower-body massages, what did my owner do? She, of course, took out a pair of nail clippers.
I’ll never trust another human again.
Story by ShadyPets.com (c) 2021. All Rights Reserved.