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Holiday Pet ID: 8202
My hang out: Melbourne (Australia)

Featured: Holiday Pet Pack - Expansion Pack

My mug shots …


Here’s my story …

My family are poor. What do I mean exactly by ‘poor’? A fair question. It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot. Maybe we need more words for ‘poor’, like the way Eskimo languages have hundreds of words for ‘snow’.


…oooh, okay. I’ve just googled the Eskimo snow thing and it’s actually a myth. Damn. Well, nevertheless, I think my point stands.


Anyway, here’s what I mean by poor: I live in an old shoebox.


Sometimes I sneak out at night and visit my friends, who—by any definition—are not poor. They all have those sweet cages with wheels to run on and funky, multicolored, towering tubes that you can scurry along and pretend you’re flying through the air, like a hamster superhero.


So, this year, I wrote a letter to Santa asking for a bougie cage. Now Christmas Eve has arrived and I’m feeling the anticipation. My owners have gone to bed after going to town on the entire contents of a hamper they won at a Christmas raffle and the empty basket seemed as good a place as any to climb into and wait for jolly old St Nick.


While I’ve been waiting, I happened to look up the Eskimo snow thing again and have found a reputable website which says that it is not, in fact, a myth: It’s true.


So now I don’t know what to believe. The internet can be so confusing.


Hey, you know what else this site says? That Santa exists.


Wait, was that a noise on the roof? Or is my mind playing tricks on me?


Oh! That was another noise—I definitely heard that one! It was in the chimney!


Eeeeeeeeeek! I’m so excited!


Hurry up Santa!!!


Story by (c) 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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